The Provo River Trail is my place I decided to photograph. It runs from Vivian Park in the Canyon, all the way to Utah Lake. The pathway may be considered a yellow brick road of sorts. It doesn't lead to the Emerald City, however it is peculiar looking and the most interesting things you will see are nature and the people taking their own journey.
Oh, the places you'll go and the people you'll see.
I absolutely love this heart of gum. One piece of chewed gum alone is gross, but each person that travels through and leaves their mark knits a community of love. We need each other, and the Provo River Trail connects us to be more than just individuals.
In this assignment, I learned that 10am is not early enough to take pictures, the lighting can be a little drastic and it's not as magical looking as the sunrise or the sunset. I don't regret going at 10am or else I never would've seen hot Super Man, however I'm still not happy with the 15 mile marker. I've tweaked that picture so many times and yet I'm still not satisfied with the white balance. It is either too yellow or too blue, the one I have is my semi-happy balance.
Another problem with white balance I dealt with is making each picture consistent. I adjusted each picture to have a warmer temperature to get rid of any over-ruling blues. In the end I learned that even though each picture is tweaked, each photograph has it's own specific scenery and lighting that they can't all appear the same.
The most important thing I learned: Get in peoples faces! Shooting pictures in close proximity is the key to getting an interesting angle. I thank professor Slade for getting me out of my comfort zone to talk to anyone and charm a picture out of them.